Monday, June 18, 2012

Facial Exercises: Compiling DIY Facial Workouts That Will Make You Look Younger

How to look younger using facial exercises is becoming almost as popular as cosmetic surgery. But what problem areas on the face and neck really benefit from face exercises, and how?

It never ceases to amaze me when people ask me for a face exercise technique that will cure bags under the eyes, or solve their turkey neck problem, lift hog jowls, or get rid of eye wrinkles. Yes, there are facelift exercises for specific areas of the face, but one needs to look at the big picture to treat the specific symptoms of aging using yoga facial exercises.

Why is this important? Certain facial and neck areas regarding sagging skin is incumbent on the toning of other areas on the face. So, by giving one facial area a good workout can result in the success of another area.

Here are some of the areas that facial exercise programs target and can really help smooth out shallow and deep wrinkles, lift sagging face and neck skin, and give back face colour to the individual: 

1.       The forehead:  Facelift exercises can target the furrows on the forehead caused by years of frowning and stress. Lifting the brow can help eye wrinkle problems.

2.       Under the eye wrinkles, crow’s feet and eye bags: Facial exercises can lessen the thickness and fullness of eye bags and remove dark eye rings, and eradicate small lines around the eyes.

3.       Sagging cheeks and face skin: Cheek exercises will lift the face skin and improve the overall face structure and toning of the cheeks, smoothen out laugh lines, and eradicate a double chin, giving the jaw line a more chiselled appearance.

4.       The mouth area: Face exercises are available to help with smile and laugh lines, the fine wrinkles that appear above the mouth, especially concerning women. This helps the chin or double chin and lifts the neck skin towards the jaw, thereby eradicating. or lessening turkey neck syndrome.

5.       Chiselling the jaw line area: Most facial toning systems also target this area to help with refining the jaw line and help with the double chin phenomenon. Massage this area, and it also benefits the neck area.

6.       The neck area to eradicate the curse of the turkey neck: Older men and women from their 40’s can easily be afflicted with extra hanging skin on and around the neck area, which can be embarrassing and unsightly. By exercising the underlying tissue on either sides of the windpipe can really expand the muscles in the neck area and pull the loose skin taut.

In a nutshell, what I’m pointing out to you is that areas spread out on the upper parts of the face will also benefit lower parts of the face, which will include the problem area that needs attention e.g. A double chin problem should be resolved by applying a combination of a double chin exercise, a cheek exercise, and a jaw line exercise for boosted results. The combination is exponentially more powerful than just applying a double chin exercise to eradicate a double chin problem.

The lower your problem area is on your neck or face, the more you should concentrate on the upper face areas in conjunction with the problem area. Facial exercises are more about the big picture to eliminate a specific problem.

This is because facial exercises need to be performed on acupressure points (the same points acupuncturists use) because the body works on energy and blood flow points. Massaging the exact points with one’s fingertips boosts the blood and oxygen flow to the cells, muscles, and tissue underneath the skin, and of course the skin itself.

By following a good DIY facial toning program, one will not only solve, or at worst diminish the problem, but the individual will also end up looking up to 10 to 15 years younger and feeling a lot more confident to “face” their friends and family. 

NOTE: Please visit these websites for more facial exercise advice and tips:

Facial Exercises: A Few Yoga Facial Exercises That Will Make A Huge Difference

Methods on how to look younger is desired by most people. Facial exercises, as a means to satisfy this quest is becoming more popular and accepted in our modern day society.  We offer you a few of these face exercise routines to make you look years younger within days.

Most people think that cosmetic surgery is the only way to look younger in a short space of time. But is it really necessary to spend that kind of money?  The benefits, as opposed to cosmetic surgery, are innumerable and the results are often amazing.

Try these facial exercises and see the difference in just a few days. One minute on each point will suffice:

1.       How to get rid of eye wrinkles:  Using your forefingers (The fingers you point with) and place them at the corners of the eyes and with firm pressure, make small outward circles. Do not push your fingers into the eye. This face exercise will tone and firm the small muscles and thin tissue around the eyes.

2.       How to look younger by smoothing out laugh lines: Again using the tips of your forefingers, place them in the middle of the smile, or laugh lines, and make small, firm outward circles. Firm enough to exercise the underlying tissue, but not enough to cause you discomfort.

3.        How to lift hog jowls and firm sagging face skin:  Stick your chin out and with the back of your hands, slap firmly up and down along the jaw line. Your hands must be stiff while you do this face exercise.

4.       How to lift and eradicate turkey neck: Use the tips of your index fingers and place them on either side of your windpipe along your throat. Move your fingertips firmly up and down along the windpipe, but not enough to restrict air flow.  By using this in conjunction with the face toning exercise for lifting hog jowls, this will expand and tighten the muscles and pull up any loose neck skin.

5.       Lifting sagging face skin with cheek exercises: Again using the tips of your index fingers, place them in the depression of your cheek bones, horizontally to your nostrils, in line with the pupils of your eyes. Make small, firm outward circles with your fingertips. This will expand the underlying muscle, and increase the blood flow to the middle region of your face. As the tissue expands, it pulls the loose skin towards the muscle. You will get a healthy glow to your cheeks.     

6.       A cure for bags under the eyes: Firstly, bags under the eyes, or eye bags, are often symptoms of other things going on in the body. Drink lots of water (not coffee, tea, or soft drinks) to help with the kidneys to flush out built up toxins. Secondly, take Vitamin K every day. This really helps with diminishing rings and puffiness around the eyes.  Thirdly, take your forefingers and place them in the ridge at the bottom of your eye sockets (Just below the eyes in line with the pupils). The position is on that bone where the face tissue is thin.  Make small outward circles while keeping your eyes open.

7.       Smoothing out forehead wrinkles and lines: With your forefingers, massage the points between the hairline and your eyebrows in line with your pupils with small inward circles. This works the supporting muscles of the forehead which will lift the forehead skin.

It is always advisable to use a moisturizing cream when performing yoga facial exercises because this works in the moisture to the skin and still exercises the underlying neck and face muscles. Because the tissue has increased blood flow and increased oxygen intake, it expands and tightens the overlying skin towards it. Therefore wrinkles disappear and ultimately fade away. Simultaneously, the skin lifts and firms and rich natural colour is restored.

Just using these few facial exercises tips will make a huge difference to your looks and could make you look years younger in a couple of weeks. The more often you do them, the better the results.

NOTE: Please visit these websites for more facial exercise advice and tips:

Facial Exercises And Cosmetic Surgery: To Do Or Not To Do?

Facial exercises, or cosmetic surgery, in the quest to look younger, or for feature improvement, are all about choice after weighing up the pros and cons.  We explore the advantages of both options.
You get 2 types of cosmetic surgery: aesthetics and reconstructive.  Aesthetics or cosmetic is when you want to enhance or improve upon a certain feature of one’s appearance. Reconstructive surgery is repairing a deformity or damage e.g. Help for an accident or burn victim.
Cosmetic surgery has the following advantages:
1.       Cosmetic surgery has fast, radical results. After healing, you can literally look 10 to 15 years younger in a space of about 3 weeks.

2.       Cosmetic surgery, in the form of repairing or reconstructive procedures, can work wonders for the patient to permanently improve his or her appearance.

3.       Depending on the skills of your surgeon, you can get the exact result that you seek.

4.       One can concentrate on very specific areas on the face and neck, like under or around the eyes, or by lifting and cutting away skin to eradicate “turkey neck”.

5.       One’s confidence levels will improve because of the psychological aspects. You look better, so you feel better, even invincible!

6.       Cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery can correct certain defects or malformations of the face to make you look better, or younger.

7.       These days, cosmetic surgery is cheaper than it used to be, and the risk of plastic or cosmetic surgery gone wrong is rare, due to strict medical standards and regulations.
Face exercises, which are performed by the patient using their own fingertips, on the other hand, have the following advantages:
1.       You are in control of your own transformation to looking years younger, and not a cosmetic surgeon.

2.       The results are permanent if you maintain a facial workout program or regimen. The more you work the points on the face, the better the results, much like being in the gym!

3.       It’s totally free to perform the facial exercises because it’s a form of non-surgical facelift.

4.       No doctors or surgeons, no scalpel cutting into your face, no stitches or scarring, which means that your procedure is non-invasive.

5.       You can perform the facial workout anywhere: at home, in traffic jams, at the bus stop, while watching television etc.

      6.       Facial exercises and toning open up the channels and nodal points in the face and neck so that blood can flow into the cells and skin, thereby nourishing them.

     7.       Not only will wrinkles be smoothed out, but you will also lift sagging face skin,    eradicate hog jowls, and restore colour to the face and neck.

On deciding which avenue to take between facial exercises and cosmetic surgery, you need to know what your budget is, and to be ready to accept the albeit small, risk of plastic surgery gone wrong. Also remember that the results that you’re looking for are fast, so they will be instantly noticed by friends, colleagues, and family. If you don’t mind other people knowing that you’ve had some sort of cosmetic surgery procedure, then this may be the way to go. Just remember that you might have to stay at home and out of sight for a while until the bruising subsides and the bandages are taken off.

I personally prefer yoga facial exercises because they save me money and the hassle of seeing a plastic surgeon, plus I don’t want to risk any negative cosmetic surgery side effects. When I first started a face exercise workout, it took a while for me to see the positive effects, because it’s not as radical as cosmetic surgery.

My friends and family actually started commenting about the fact that I was looking fresher and more youthful, and that my cheeks appeared to be rosier. This was great encouragement for me to continue and even step up the routines of my facial exercise program.

Even though I was sceptical in the beginning, I am now a proponent of this form of non-surgical facelift, and I look years younger than when I started out; just remember that it takes about 20 minutes a day using your fingertips for the first month. After that, simple facial toning maintenance of about 2 to 3 times a week will do the trick perfectly.  It just takes a bit of dedication when going the facial exercises route as opposed to the cost, risk, and temporary results of cosmetic surgery.

At the end of the day it’s your looks, so it’s your choice as to whether to use cosmetic surgery or facial exercises, in your endeavours to look years younger.

NOTE: Please visit these websites for more facial exercise advice and tips:

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Cosmetic Surgery Tips That You Should Follow To Avoid Cosmetic Surgery Gone Wrong

The decision to have cosmetic surgery procedures should be taken very seriously. Researching doctors, as well as finding out about what to expect after the surgery, are important tasks if you choose to have the surgery. This article can help you learn more about your cosmetic surgery options.
It is not uncommon for substantial blood loss to occur during a procedure. Bleeding is a side effect of any surgery, but if you are excessively bleeding it can be an issue. You can experience bleeding both during and after surgery. If too much bleeding happens, it will gather beneath the skin; in this case, more surgery will be needed to fix the problem. This is why it is essential that you ask your doctor the ins and outs about bruises and bleeding.
There are lots of benefits to receiving cosmetic surgery, such as a better self-concept. Burn victims can really benefit from cosmetic surgery. When someone has a horrible burn, they might not feel confident with their appearance; plastic surgery is a great option for their self esteem.
Not all people who get cosmetic surgery have chosen to do so. If you are getting cosmetic surgery for reconstructive reasons, do not underestimate the importance of a good doctor. You should investigate all possibilities available to you and find a doctor who will get you the result that you require.
Talk to other individuals who have personal experience with your chosen procedure. They might share information that your surgeon doesn't reveal to you. Ask them the total cost of their surgeries, the overall results and the length of their recoveries.
Always ask your surgeon about his credentials. Ask where he went to school, when he graduated and how many similar procedures he has done. Ask to look at patients who have undergone the procedure.
Be aware that the total cost of your cosmetic surgery may change. Factors such as anesthesia, surgical location and other issues can impact the cost. Make certain that you consult with your surgeon or his financial department about the total cost of your procedure. Do not make any payment until all of your financial responsibility has been disclosed to you.
If you are going through a rough stage in your life, hold off on surgery. You need to be able to focus fully on recovery after your surgery; dealing with emotional problems on top of physical recovery is going to make it harder to recover appropriately. Slow recovery time can have a detrimental effect on your mental state.
Any procedure involving anesthesia can pose some dangers. During a surgical procedure, a heart arrhythmia can develop. In particular, general anesthesia can lead to an irregular heartbeat. The reduced blood flow during the procedure can be a major cause. That causes a heartbeat that is irregular in pace, or arrhythmia.
Make sure your normal doctor is available and working with you during your recuperation, in addition to the cosmetic surgeon. The G.P. who takes care of your health can give good insight to your surgeon. Your doctor also will understand how this surgery can impact your health for the future.
Know what your doctor does if a patient is unhappy. Although the vast majority of cosmetic surgery patients get results that leave them entirely satisfied with the process, there is always a possibility that things will go wrong. It's worth giving the worst-case scenario a little thought. You probably will not get a refund, but you need to know if the surgeon will give you the corrective surgery for free, or at a lower price if you are unsatisfied with the results.
It can be quite helpful to see the work your surgeon has done in the past with pictures showing the results as well as pictures before the surgery. Outcomes cannot be guaranteed with cosmetic surgery so proceed with caution. For a better idea of your results, there are computer programs that can show what you might look like.
If you don't research and prepare for cosmetic surgery, you may find that you aren't doing it for the right reasons. Do not hurry through the process. You need to be sure that it is something you truly desire, as it cannot be undone, afterward. Use these tips to plan your procedure carefully and reduce risks.

NOTE: Please visit these websites for more facial exercise advice and tips: